Sample Stego Images 2

(This page contains huge images and takes very long time to display all.)

This page contains six stego images (already information embedded images). They are good  material for your extracting test. Download "Qtech Hide & View"  program first, then use its "Information Extracting " module.

If you are browsing this page by Internet Explorer, just try to drag & drop each image directly from this page onto the downloaded Information Extracting program. If you are using some other browser, you may copy each image onto Desktop first, and then drag & drop it to the program. Select  "As it is" option in most cases, but in some case you may try selecting "Link to Web" option.


<Large stego images>

saturn.emb.bmp (3,073KB)

 No Access Key needed.

Complexity threshold = 40

usdollar.emb.png (1,224KB)  No Access Key needed.

Complexity threshold = 40

(You can extract 9 times "recursively." In that case, you  move each extracted image to Desktop and retry extracting.)


<Very large image files>  It will take a very long time to extract.

airbus.emb.png  (6,093KB)

No Access Key needed.

Complexity threshold = 40

turtle.emb.png  (13,995KB)

No Access Key needed.

Complexity threshold = 40


<Access Key needed>

You must use the Access Key as indicated.

k-gorilla.emb.jpg  (12KB)

Access Key is the same as this file name.

Complexity threshold = 40

k-webpage.emb.jpg  (278KB)  Access Key is the same as this file name.

Complexity threshold = 40   You may select  "Link to Web" option.

Please don't be confused when you see the extracted page.



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(Updated on Mar. 30, 2011 by Eiji Kawaguchi)